Prof. Dr. Shahab Ahmed Shakir|

Curriculum vitae
Professor.Med.Dr.Shahab A. Shakir
Occupational&Environmental Medicine Consultant
M.B.Ch.B., D.C.M., F.I.B.M.S.(PhD) Occupational&Environmental Medicine
University of Diyala /Medical College/Family and Community Medicine Dep.
Mobile: (+964) 770 107 2656
Part I:General Information
Name:Shahab Ahmed Shakir.
Title:Professor Med.Dr.(Occupational&Environmental Medicine Cosultant).
Position: Professor, Head and Member of teaching staff of Family and Community
Medicine/Medical College/ University of Diyala
Personal information:
Nationality: Iraqi
Date of birth: July/01/1957.
Place of birth: Khalis, Diyala, Iraq.
Passport Number: A19603319 – Place of issue: Iraq-Diyala – Date of issue:
23/11/2022 – Expire Date: 22/11/2030
Address: Iraq- Diyala-Baquba-Al-Tharir- District-Sec. 301 – St. 32 – House No. 22.
City, State, Zip: Baquba, Iraq, 00964
Gender: Male.
Marital state: Married
Mobile:( +964) 790 298 5380
( +964) 770 107 2656
Speak write read
1. First Lang : Arabic fluent fluent fluent
2. Second Lang: English fluent fluent fluent
Business Address:
Medical College / Family and Community Medicine Dep. / University of Diyala / Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research / Iraq
Part II: Professional History
F.I.B.M.S.Occupational&Environmental Medicine (Ph.D): Iraqi Board for Medical Specialization, 16/11/2006.
D.C.M: College of medicine, University of Baghdad/Iraq, 26/9/1994
M.B.Ch.B: College of medicine, University of Basrah/Iraq , 4/7/1981.
1.1981: Baquba teaching Hospital
2.1986: Al Rashid teaching Hospital
3.2000: Diyala health diroctrate
4. 2008: University of Diyala / College of Medicine / Family and
Community Medicine Dep. / lecturer and reporter
Year of experience: Since 29/8/1981 until now
- Al-Azzawi, S.A. Epidemiology of scabies. Iraqi Medical Journal,
- 2. Al-Azzawi, S.A. Oil Acne among workers expose to petroleum derivatives. Iraqi Medical Journal , 2005.
- Kadim, I,J., Al-Azzawi, S.A.The role of university in social&economical mobility. Kurdistan Region- Erbil, 11-13/ December / 2007.
- Al-Azzawi, S.A. Oral Azithromycin regimens in the treatment of acne
vulgaris. Diyala Journal for Applied Researches , 2009;5(1):71-74.
- Al-Azzawi, S.A. The prevalence of needlestick injuries among health care workers in Baquba teaching hospital. Diyala journal for pure science,
2010; 6(3):254-265.
- Al-Azzawi, S.A. Mobile Phone Base Stations Health Effects. Diyala
Journal of Medicine, 2011; 1(1):47-56.
- Al-Azzawi, S.A.Prevalence of Musculoskeletal Symptoms among Visual
Display Terminal Users. Tikrit Medical Journal, 2012;Vol(18) No(1):127-
- Al-Azzawi, S.A.Hospital Waste and Cleaning Workers in Baquba
Teaching Hospital. DJM, 2012; Vol 2 No(1):79-83.
- Al-Azzawi, S.A.Epidemiology of Low Back Pain among Taxi Driver in
Baquba City.IMJ, 2012; Vol(58) No(2): 154-157.
- Al-Azzawi, S.A. Occupational Housewife’s Hand Eczema.DJM, 2013; Vol(5) No(1): 57-62.
- Al-Azzawi, S.A. Occupational Irritant Hand Dermatitis among Nurses in Albatool Teaching Hospital. DJM, 2015; Vol(8) No(1):49-53.
- Al-Azzawi, S.A.Shakir, Hosamuddin Hamza. Basal Cell Carcinoma among Outdoor Workers. Egypt.J.Med.Sci, 2015;36(2):617-624.
- Al-Azzawi, S.A.Shakir, Hosamuddin Hamza.Epidemiology of Occupational Skin Diseases among Healthcare workers in Baqubah Teaching Hospital. Egypt.J.Med.Sci, 2015;36(2):625-634.
- Al-Azzawi, S.A.Shakir, Amer Dawood Majed, Nadhim Khazal Noaman. Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Radiation Exposure Emitted from Cell Phone Alters the FSH, LH Hormones level in Vitro. International Journal of Advance Research, 2016;4(12):2026-2031.
- Al-Azzawi, S.A.Shakir. Occupational Nosocomial Skin Infections among the Nursing Staff in Baqubah Teaching Hospitals. Int. J. Adv. Res. 5(2), 1294-1298.
- Al-Azzawi, S.A.Shakir. Efficacy of Hydrocortisone Alone and its Combination Therapy with Rainwater for the Treatment of Atopic Dermatitis. AJPHR, 2017; 5(2):69-74.
- Al-Azzawi, S.A.Shakir, Hayder Hameed Waheeb, Hiba Dhiaa Hasan. Prevalence of low back pain in health care workers in Baquba and Al-Batool teaching hospitals. WJPPS, 2018; Vol 7, Issue 2: 260-277.
- Al-Azzawi, S.A.Shakir, Hayder Hameed Waheeb, Naseer K. Alwan. Epidemiology of Skin Diseases among Displaced People in Diyala Province. J Fac Med Baghdad, 2018; Vol.60, No.1:52-56.
- Haneen Fathalla Askar , Ahmed M Athab, Shahab A Shakir and Nabeel K Mohamad Ali. Renal Failure in Diyala Province. Diyala Journal of Medicine, 2019;Vol.17.Issue 2,Decsmber: 33-40.
- Sahar Qasim Saee, Shahab Ahmed Shakir, Raakad Kamel Saadi. Knowledge Among Women at Reproductive Age About Intrauterine Device in Baquba City. Medico-legal Update, April-June 2021; Vol. 21, No. 2:183-188.
- Firyal K. Sadeq, Shahab A. Shakir, Ahmed Khalid Abdullah. Photodamage Effect of UV Rays on Skin on outdoor workers. Diyala Journal of Medicine, April 2022;Vol.22.Issue 1,: 33-40.
- Rihab Ibrahim Ahmed, Shahab A. Shakir, Mohamad Tyeyab Hamad ,Nazar Saleh Ibrahim. Epidemiological Study of CA Breast in Diyala. Diyala Journal of Medicine, June 2022; Volume 22, Issue 2,: 8-17.
Research interests
1.Autoimmune skin diseases
2. Evolution of Modern Humans – From Bones to Genomes
3. Environmental-Gene interaction.
4. Occupational&environmental primary prevention of skin cancer.
5. The Epidemiology of outdoor UVR exposure induced skin cancer among
children &adolescents due to ozone depletion.
6. Depleted Uranium in Iraq and carcinogenicity among Iraqi population.
- Iraqi medical conference/Baghdad/Iraq/15-18 December 2002.
- Environmental health on Iraq/Amman, Jordan/19-22 September 2005.
- Occupational health (workshop) Amman, Jordan 2005.
- International conference on higher education in Iraq / Kurdistan Region-
Erbil, 11-13/ December / 2007.
- 5. First Diyala University conference 14-15/12/2009.
- First Diyala Medical College conference 18-19/4/2010.
- Six medical conference at Diyala Health Directorate /
Diyala / Iraq/ 22-23 Dec 2010.
- The 40th Scientific Conference (Iraqi Medical Association) Sulaimany/Iraq 20-22 /9/2011.
- Second Diyala Medical College Conference 26-27/9/2012.
- Seven medical conference at Diyala Health Directorate /
Diyala / Iraq/ 15-16 May 2013.
- The Second International Scientific Medical Conference. 6th – 7th Of April 2017Sulaimani – Kurdistan – Grand Millennium Hotel.
- Second Diyala Medical College Conference 11/5/2022.
Computer systems experience:
- Working at computer software such as (Auto-Cad, Internet Explorer, Visual basic…etc).
- Microsoft office XP (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, & Access).
- Perfect Working knowledge of computer installing and maintenance.
Certificates &Training Courses:
- Courses in Computer held by Diyala university 2011.
- Course in LASER therapy in dermatology / Syria 2009.
- Certification of expertise in cosmetic and minor skin plastic surgery/Syria 2009.
- Arabic Language’s Certification 2008.
- Teaching’s Certification. University teaching course at Diyala University, College of Education in 2008.
- Course in lecturing ways held by Diyala University –on 2008.
- Aesthetic Medicine and Skin Plastic Surgery( Muenster/Germany) 10/6/2012.
1. International Society of Iraqi Scientists (Michigan /USA).
2. International Society for Infectious Diseases (ISID) (USA).
2. International Iraqi Medical Association online (UAE).
3. The Iraqi Sociaty of Occupational Health&Safety (Iraq).
4. Doctors without borders (MSF-Dubai).
5. Iraqi Medical Association (Iraq).
- Appreciation Certificate from Diyala Health Diroctate for my presentation of researches in office conferences 6.
- Appreciation Certificate from Diyala University.
- Appreciation Certificate from ministry of health in office conferences.
- Honors from Diyala University Dean (6).
- Honors from Diyala Medical College Dean (16).
- Honors from Diyala Health General Directorate (6).
- Honors from minister of Higher education and scientific research (4).
Reading, music, tennis, photography, fishing, walking and diving in the
1. Professor Dr.Walid Al Tawil(Ph.D) Occupational&Environmental
Medicine.Baghdad University/College of medicine/Department of community
2. Professor Dr.Mohammed.J.Kadhim (Ph.D)Occupational &
Environmental Medicine. Al Mustansiryia University/College
of medicine/Department of community medicine.
E.Mail :
3. Professor Dr. Hikmet Jamil(Ph.D) Occupational&Environmental
Medicine. Wayne State University/College of medicine/
Department of Occupational&Environmental Medicine
4. Assistant prof. Dr.Halil Jassim (Ph.D) Occupational
&Environmental Medicine. Minestery of Labor/Occupational
Health&Safety Center.