Prof.Dr.Luma Taha Ahmed|

C.V. Dr. Luma T. Ahmed
Full Name Luma Taha Ahmed |
Date of birth 17-10-1978 |
Place of birth Diyala –Baaquba. |
Gender Female. |
Marital status Married |
Nationality Arabian. |
Current work Proff. In microbiology branch ,college of medicine .Diyala university in ministry of Higher education and scientific research –university of Diyala-college of medicine . Address Diyala- Baaquba-center. |
Mobile 07715041431. |
Email Personal E mail |
Languages English and Arabic. |
Graduations : BSc. Of Biotechnology , college of science, AL-Nahrain university. MSc. college of science, AL-Nahrain university. Title of M.Sc. thesis :An ultra structure study on the degenerative changes in Rat liver cells caused by AFB1produced from Aspergillus flavus.2002 ,Ph.D of Biotechnology, Ph.D. MEDICAL MYCOLOGY, college of science, AL-Nahrain university. Title of PhD. thesis: Detection of some active compounds in Paliurus spina-christi plant :their histopathological effect and molecular mechanism on dermatophyte2013. Work and Proff. In medical mycology, General microbiology , General biology. experience Conference and Scientific activities, conference of diyala college of medicine first 2008, second 2010 and third.conference of Al-Nahrain college of science2008.Conferences of college of science /Al-Nahrain university,2009.Conference of healthy directorate of diyala,2013.conference of al-mustansirya2014,2015.Third conference of Diyala medical college 2010.International Congress of Abu-dhabi for health,2013.International Conference of molecular biology ,Boazich university ,Istanbul ,2017 Year of lecturing: 20 years. No. of published paper : 31 papers published in Iraqi and international journals. In addition publishing a book titled (Fungus and fungi )in 2018. Workshops: PCR training in Al-Nahrain university, 2004. Work shop in breast cancer day, 2011. Skills: extraction and purification of medicinal plants, Extraction of DNA and RNA of microbes. . ITEM The titles of papers 1- EFFECT OF SIMVASTATIN WITH, WITHOUT EZITIMIBE ON SERUM LIPID PROFILE IN HYPERLIPIDEMIC PATIENTS ا.م.د. لمى طه احمد,ا.د. زهير معروف حسين, م.قتيبة غانم حسين 2- Anti oxidant activity of Paliurus spina-criti methanolic extract أ.م.د. لمى طه احمد,ا. احمد سمير النعيمي,ا. نبيل العاني,ا. خلود السامرائي,م.قتيبة غانم حسين 3- In vitro and in vivo study of Paliurus spina-cristi extract on mice skin 2013ا.م.د لمى طه احمد,د. واثق محمد حسين,ا.د. خلود وهيب السامرائي 4- The inhibition effect of Paliurus spina-cristi methanolic extract on Trychophyton mentagrophytes growth and Tri m4 gene. 2013-ا.م.د. لمى طه احمد,ا.د.باسم محمد جابر,ا.د. نبيل العاني,ا.د. خلود السامرائي 5- The effect of some plant extracts on pathogenic fungi that cause human and animal infections 7-Diyala jo.27,:82-91.200ا.م.د. لمى طه احمد, م .د. هيثم محمود كاظم, 6- Histopathological study on rat hepatic cells treated with aflatoxin B1 2006د. لمى طه احمد,ا.د. كوكب سليم القيسي,ا.د.خلود السامرائي 7- Prevalence of vaginal Candidiasis and Trichomonaisis among women on contraceptive measures 2008ا.م.د. لمى طه احمد, د.نهلة عبدالرزاق جاسم 8 Chemical analysis and antifungal activity of Paliurus spina-cristi 2012ا.م.د. لمى طه احمد,ا.د.خلود السامرائي,ا. د. نبيل العاني 9 Effect of simvastatin with ,without ezitemibe on serum lipid profile in hyperlipidemic 2013ا. م. د. لمى طه احمد,ا.د زهير معروف حسين,م. قتيبة غانم 10 Effect of simvastatin and garlic on serum lipid profile in hyperlipidemic 2013ا. م. د. لمى طه احمد,ا.د زهير معروف حسين,م. قتيبة غانم 11 Isolation and identification of gram negative bacteria from wound infection in general hospital at Diyala city ا. م. د. لمى طه احمد 12- The effect of mobile waves on the growth of pathogenic fungi. 2015v.4,11.:838-842 –ا.م.د. لمى طه احمد ,ا.د. عامر داود مجيد , م.شيماء رحيم الصالحي 13- C-Reactive protein and renal function tests in chronic renal failure patients on hemodiaylysis and kidney transplantation . 2018ا.م.د. لمى طه احمد ,ا.م.د. احمد مدب عذاب ,د. نبيل خالد علي 14 Effect of using contraception on Candidiases distribution among women 2016ا.م.د. لمى طه احمد, غفران طامي عيال 15 Detection of β-lactamase CTX-M gene in diarrheal patients in Diyala province-Iraq ا.م.د. لمى طه احمد, م.د. اسماء عبيد اسماعيل, ا.م.د. احمد مذب عذاب 16 Molecular and genotypes identification of C.albicans isolated from children with diarrhea in Diyala province-Iraq 2017علي رياض حميد, أ.م.د.لمى طه احمد, ا.م.د. صباح محسن علي 17 Detection of candida albicans responsible for vulvovaginitis in women 2017 شريهان كنعان طاهر ,ا.م.د. لمى طه احمد 18 The determination of AFM1 and AFM2 in the crude milk by HPLC in the province of Diyala 2019ميس جبار خميس ,عامر خزعل العزاوي ,لمى طه احمد Inter. Jo. Of medicine and Pharmaceutical The detection of A. flavus in the milk by molecular method in Diyala province 2019ميس جبار خميس ,لمى طه احمد Iraqi j. of biotechnology 18,2 19 Prevalance of Candidiasis among Diarrheal children under 5 years in Diyala province Iraq Sarah A. Dawood, Luma T. Ahmed ,Sabah. M. Ali2019- International j of medicine and pharmaceutical sciences 20 Genotyping and antifungal susceptibility of C. albicans isolated from infected women. Luma T. Ahmed Research j. of pharmacy and technology v: 12 no. 11 november 2019 21 Detection of Candida Species in the Diabetes Mellitus Patient Maha M. Rasheed1*, Luma T. Ahmed2 and Ahmed M. Athab2 Int.J.current microbiology applied science ,Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(11): 1111-1120 22 Isolation and Molecular Identification of Aspergillus spp. Collected from Different Sources of Animals Feed Ahmed D. Ahmed Luma T. Ahmed Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(6): 1792-1797 23 Sensitivity of Aspergillus flavus to methanolic and aqueous extracts of some medicinal plants Ahmed D. Ahmed Luma T. Ahmed Al-Anbar J. Vet. Sci., Vol.: 10 No. (1), 2017 ISSN: 1999-6527 24 Molecular Identification and antifungal susceptibility of Candida albicans Isolated from Samples of GIT Children with Diarrhea in Diyala Province .Iraq 1 Sabah M. Ali ,2 Sarah A. Dawood , 3 Luma T. Ahmed , 2019 (Scopus) 25 Detection of C. species phenotype and Genotype in Diabetes Melitus patient in Ba,aquba teaching hospital . v.13,no.4.october december2019. Indian j. of forensic medicine مها محمد و لمى طه و احمد مذب 26 Oral and dermal Candidiasis among infants in Al-Batool teaching hospital رغد حميد خليفه .لمى طه احمد .داود سلمان داود مجلة كلية الطب .جامعة ديالى . 2020 28 Prevalence of dermatophytes fungal infection among different gender Luma T. Ahmed Wathiq M. Hussain Zahraa A. Darwish Indian j.of forensic medicine.v.14,n0.2april –june2020 29 Frequency of Hepatitis C Virus in People with Tattoos in Diyala Governorate Rehab Hussnein Ibrahim, Luma T. Ahmed Vol no. 15 issue no. 4 October-December 2021 Indian journal of forensic medicine of forensic medicine toxicology 30 Detection and molecular study of dermatophytes spp.isolated from tattoo patients in Diyala Governorate Rehab Hussnein Ibrahim, Luma T. Ahmed International journal of recent scientific research 2021-August 31 Relationship between vitamin D and IL6 in convalescent healthcare workers with Covid-19 in Baquba hospitals in Diyala province Maysam Abbas , Luma T. Ahmed ,Mohammed A. Alkarkhi Indian journal of forensic medicine of forensic medicine toxicology 2021 |