Ass.Lec.Wisam Faisal Wadi|

       Biography and science

Full name and surnameWisam Faisal Wadi Abd Al-Shamary
Place and date of birth10/03/1995AddressDiyala/ Baquba
Graduation Year2020-2021UniversityDiyala University/College of Science
General SpecializationBiologyGraduated fromParasitees
JobTeacherSpecializationCollege of Medicine / University of Diyala
First appointment date3/4/2023Current work addressCollege of Medicine / University of Diyala
Reset appointment datePlace of first appointment Reset
Certificates and academic qualifications
Scientific certificateSpecializationUniversity/CollegeDate
  Bachelor’sBiologyDiyala University/College of Science 
MastersBiologyDiyala University/College of Science 
Titles of PhD. thesis, MSc. thesis and diploma for Lecture
No. Title
  The possible association between irritable bowelsyndrome and the infection with intestinal parasites in Diyala Province
The scientific surname
No. SurnameDate
assistant teacherA. teacher2021
University Lecture
No.JobUniversity (institute/college)Date (from – until)
 teacherAl-Rafidain University College2021-2023
The subjects she studied
No. University/CollegeDepartment SubjectYearStages
 Al-Rafidain University CollegeMedical laboratory techniquesmedical parasitology (theoretical)2021-20232secend stage
 Al-Rafidain University CollegeMedical laboratory techniquesImmunity20214th stage
Research published in the field of specialization
No.Search NameJoint / SingleFull title of the magazine
1The possible link between intestinal parasites and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) in Diyala Province, IraqJointannals of parasitology
Conferences, scientific symposia, workshops, continuing education courses and field practices in which She participated
NO.AddressYearVenueParticipant or Lecturer
5th International Conference on Chemical, Biological and Biological Safety (C.B.R.N) 20202022University of BabylonParticipant
Membership of scientific and administrative committees
No. College/UniversityCommitteeYear
Management Positions
1Student Graduation CommitteeAl-Rafidain University College
2Summer Training CommitteeAl-Rafidain University College
Thanks Books
No.DonorNumber and year
Certificates of thanks and appreciation
Valuation of efforts