University of Diyala/ College of Medicine holds a scientific symposium entitled (The One Minute Preceptor Education System)
Under the supervision of the Dean of the College of Medicine, Professor Dr. Ismail Ibrahim Latif, the Continuing Education Division held a scientific symposium entitled (The One Minute Preceptor Education System), in which Assistant Professor Dr. Bushra Mahmoud Hussein, Head of the Biochemistry Department, and the Lecturer Dr. Yasmine Sami Nasser, Rapporteur of the Biochemistry Department, lectured. And Assistant Lecturer Russel Adnan Abbas, from Chemistry Department. The symposium covered a detailed explanation of the one-minute model education system, including defining the steps of this model, its importance in clinical education, and diagnosing the learning needs of students. This system allows identifying the learner’s knowledge gaps at all levels, and the skills used by the professor in the one-minute model to achieve the goal of education, which It is divided into five skills out of these five-minute skills, and the first two of them diagnose the learner’s knowledge and thinking, and the last three educational skills are presented by the professor. The one-minute learning skills explain the student’s explanation of the medical case. In the first skill, the teacher requests an explanation and diagnosis of the case from the student, then asks him for evidence and reasons to show how he interpreted the data,This is considered the first step towards diagnosing his educational needs and trying to discover what he does not know, and after that, the stage or the skill of teaching general rules to students, which ends with guiding the student and stating what was done correctly and also correcting errors. This model is not very useful for beginner students because the learner must have a sufficient knowledge base before he can explain or diagnose a specific medical case. The main use of this model by enhancing the learner’s clinical thinking process, undergraduate and postgraduate students are likely to benefit from using this model.