Diyala College of Medicine holds a scientific symposium on the types of objective questions

Under the supervision of the Dean of the College of Medicine, Diyala, Professor Dr. Ismail Ibrahim Latif.. The Medical Education Unit, in coordination with the Department of Medicine, held a scientific symposium on (Types of Objective Questions), in which Professor Dr. Saleh Mahdi Salman lectured.
The symposium aims to improve the quality of medical education and student skills, and to conduct a comprehensive study on the types of objective questions used in assessing the knowledge and skills of students in medical colleges, especially those used in medical education with examples for each, and to indicate the areas of weakness and weakness for a period of avoiding three points when formulating them partially, and encourages understanding of topics, in addition to a number of superficial memorization, and where the addition to their additions is evaluated in addition to self-distinction.
It flashes, and the college includes the diversity of fields of education and evaluation, and the adoption of this type of questions, especially multiple-choice questions, as this type is considered an essential part of this improvement, and will continue to develop new excellence and seek to achieve the maximum benefit from learning creativity, and graduate doctors for two reasons to provide distinguished health care.