Ass.Lec.Ghazwan Sabah Kamel|

       Biography and science

Full name and surnameGhazwan sabah kamel hussain aljebori
Place and date of birthAl-mansuryia – 1989AddressDiyala – khalis – almansoryia
Graduation Year2018-2019UniversityDiyala
General SpecializationMedical microbiologyGraduated fromCollage of medicine
JobAssistant teacherSpecializationimmunology
First appointment date3\4\2023Current work addressCollage of medicine
Reset appointment datenonPlace of first appointment Resetnon
Certificates and academic qualifications
Scientific certificateSpecializationUniversity/CollegeDate
Bachelor’sVeterinary medicineDiyala \  collage of veterinary medicine4\12\2014
MastersmicrobiologyDiyala\ collage of medicine25\4\2019
Titles of PhD. thesis, MSc. thesis and diploma for Lecture
No. Title
1 Detection of BRCA1 and some blood parameters in women diagnosed  with breast cancer
The scientific surname
No. SurnameDate
1Assistant teacher 
University Lecture
No.JobUniversity (institute/college)Date (from – until)
The subjects she studied
No. University/CollegeDepartment SubjectYearStages
1Dyiala \ collage of medicinemicrobiologyimmunology  
Research published in the field of specialization
No.Search NameJoint / SingleFull title of the magazine
 Ghazwan sabah khameljointDetection P53 and some blood parameters in women diagnosed with breast cancer
Conferences, scientific symposia, workshops, continuing education courses and field practices in which She participated
NO.AddressYearVenueParticipant or Lecturer
Membership of scientific and administrative committees
No. College/UniversityCommitteeYear
1Collage of medicine \ dyialaMember in Quality assurance and academic accreditation2023
Management Positions
1scientific authorizedMedicine \ diyala
2Performance evaluationMedicine \ diyala
Thanks Books
No.DonorNumber and year
Certificates of thanks and appreciation
Valuation of efforts