Ass. Prof.Duraid Hameed Abid-Alkadem|

Assistant Professor Dr. Duraid Hameed Abid-Alkadem   MBChB

MRCS-Ed – ENT –  (RCS-Edinburgh- UK)

DO-HNS (RCS-Edinburgh- UK)

MRes Biomedical Sciences, Liverpool- UK

Profile Summary

  • Ear Nose & Throat Specialist from the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh.
  • Over 20 years clinical and academic experience.
  • Involved in ENT clinical practice since 2005.
  • Have more than 14 years of under graduate and postgraduate teaching experiences.
  • Skilled surgeon in general otolaryngology, adults and children.
  • Special interests in  rhinology.
  • Lifetime responsibility to clinical excellence.
  • I optimized experimental protocols, techniques and new research methods in gene expression and tumor progression
  • I have special interest in investigation of putative roles of some important genes in cancer, particularly Head and Neck squamous cell carcinoma.

Current positions

Assistant professor in  University of Diyala – College of Medicine. Department of surgery – Otolaryngology &  Department of Anatomy.


First name: Duraid

Sure Name: Abid-Akadem

Citizenship: Iraqi

Date and place of birth: 1976 Baghdad – Iraq

Marital status: Married

Address:  Iraq, Diyala, AL-Khalis

Mobile: +9647723076616

E-Mail (preferred):  


Medical  Qualifications:

2010-2012                                                    MRCS (ENT) Member Royal College of Surgeon

                                                       of Edinburgh.

                                                                     The Royal College of Surgeon of Edinburgh -UK

2009-2010                                                    DOHNS –Diploma in Otolaryngology –Head and 

                                                                     Neck Surgery

                                                                     The Royal College of Surgeon of Edinburgh -UK

2008-2009                                                 MRes in Biomedical Sciences-Anatomy (Distinction)                 

                                                                     University of Liverpool- UK

1995-2001                                                 M.B.Ch.B. (Bachelor in Medicine and Surgery)

                                                                   (Graduated with a rank of 9 out of 62 students                                                                

                                                                   with average of 72.03 /100) Tikrit University/College

                                                                     of Medicine- Iraq

English Language Qualifications:

A successful completion with distinction (1:1) of  English for Academic Purposes Course at University of Liverpool/School of English – UK from 12/5/2008 to 12/9/2008.

Further Education

  • Attended the 13th Pan – Arab Rhinology Conference and  10th International Congress of the Jordanian Society of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery held in Amman, Jordon from 8 to 10 June 2022.
  • Attended the 3rd RhinoSul conference and 6th master dissection course in Rhinology held in Sulaimaniya city – Iraq from from 19th to 20 May 2022.
  • Attended the 2nd International Conference of Iraqi Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery Society from 31st January to 2nd Feb. 2018 in Baghdad- Iraq.
  • Attended the 5th International Otolaryngology Conference on 10 to 11 March 2017 at University of Kufa – College of Medicine – Najaf, Iraq.
  • Attended the Training Course in Integrated Based System on 17th to 18th September 2017 in Continuous Medical Education Section in College of Medicine , University of Diyala.
  • Attended the (Endoscpic Sinus Surgery Segment) of 3rd Sulaymaniyah Master Dissection Course in Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery on (9th to 10th ) of September 2017
  • Attended the 9th Scientific Conference of College of Medicine, Al Nahrain University from 21st to 22nd December 2015
  • Participating as a chairman and lecturer in ‘Emergency Medicine Training for Paramedics’ in Diyala Emergency Medicine Training Center for Paramedics in Baaquba Teaching Hospital with corporation with International Medical Corps from April 2012 to January 2013.
  • Precipitating and passing successfully in the Emergency Medicine Training Course – ATLS & ACLS hold in MOH – Iraq and mentioned as a licensed physician. From 10-21 April, 2012.
  • Attended the Diploma of Otolaryngology- Head and Neck Surgery Course (30th November – 3rd December 2009) at Imperial College London -Department of Otolaryngology- Head and neck Surgery, St. Mary’s Hospital, London.
  • Attended the Diploma of Otolaryngology- Head and Neck Surgery Course OSCE Revision Course from 29th to 30th January 2010 at School of Biosciences, Cardiff University – UK
  • Successful completion of the Prospective Licensee Training Course at University of Liverpool on (10th -11th of February 2009).
  • Attended a half day Seminar on “Laser Safety” at University of Liverpool on 22nd October 2008.
  • Attended the Graduate Teaching Assistant Workshop (Demonstrator Training) at University of Liverpool on 26th of September 2008.

Work experience and employment:

  • From 2014 to present                 Assistant Professor  in University of Diyala- College          of Medicin

                                   ENT surgeon in Baquba Teaching Hospital

               And Alkalis General Hospital.

  • From 2013 to 2014                       ENT specialist doctor in Kalar General hospital
  • From 2011 to 2013                        ENT specialist doctor in Alkalis General hospital
  • From 2010 to 2011                        ENT specialist doctor in Diyala health directorate 
  • From 1/10/2009 to1/4/2010           Honorary Research Fellow at University of

                                                                    Liverpool, School of Biomedical Sciences,

                                                                    Department of Human Anatomy and Cell Biology

                                                                    under the supervision of Professor John P Quinn.

  • From 1/10/2008 to 1/10/2009        MRes in Biomedical Sciences-Anatomy (Distinction)                 

                                                                     University of Liverpool- UK

  • From 12/5/2008 to 15/9/2009      University of Liverpool/School of English – UK

                                                        A successful complete (English for Academic

                                                                     Purposes Course) with distinction (1:1)

  • 1/5/2005 to 12/5/ 2008                    Permanent Resident Doctor in ENT specialty

                                                                  in Alkalis General Hospital-Dyala- Iraq.

I am able to recognize and give immediate and appropriate treatment in a wide range of Medical and Surgical conditions within the Otolaryngology- Head and Neck surgery specialty.

  • 1/12/2003 to 1/4/2004                        Medical junior House officer in Bagdad

                                                                                       Teaching Hospital -Iraq

During this period I trained and worked in the following specialties and departments:  Emergency Unite, General surgery, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics and Gynecology.

  1. 1/4/ 2004 to 1/5/    2005                         Senior Medical House Officer in Special Surgery

                                                                       Teaching Hospital- Medical City- Bagdad- Iraq.

During this period I trained and worked in the following specialties and departments: ENT, Orthopedics, Urosurgery, Plastic Surgery, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Neurosurgery, Ophthalmology, Iraqi National Blood Transfusion Center and Iraqi Center for Heart Diseases.

Main research methods applied and mastered:

Independent Private Practice

  • Private Practice Office – Diyala -Alkalis

Private Hospitals

  • Iraq surgical clinic –Baghdad –Beirut Square.
  • ALmukhtar private hospital –Bab ALmuadham-Baghdad.
  • Marina private Hospital, Baghdad Iraq
  • Alshafaa private hospital –Baaquba –Diyala.


  • Galindo, C. L., McCormick, J. F., Bubb, V. J., Alkadem, D. A., Li, L. S., McIver, L. J., … & Garner, H. R. (2011). A long AAAG repeat allele in the 5′ UTR of the ERR-γ gene is correlated with breast cancer predisposition and drives promoter activity in MCF-7 breast cancer cells. Breast cancer research and treatment, 130(1), 41-48.
  • Alkadem, D. H. A., Salim, S. K., & Al-Kerttani, A. L. (2018). Current Indications of Tonsillectomy With or Without Adenoidectomy in Diayala Governorate. Diyala Journal of Medicine14(1), 56-62.
  • Alkadem, D. H. A. Isolation of Bacteria from Adult Patients with Recurrent or Chronic Pharyngitis in Baquba Teaching Hospital.
  • Hassan, W. F., & Alkadem, D. H. A. The Association Between Headache and Hypertension InBaquba Teaching Hospital-Iraq. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine7(02), 2020.
  • Alkadem, D. H. A., Gaeab, N. F., & Hassan, M. A. A. (2021). Current Evaluation of patients with Laryngeal Carcinoma in Baqubb Teaching Hospital–Iraq. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, 8(3), 22-29.
  • AbidAlkadem, D. H., & AL-Kerttani, D. (2021). Consequences of Chronic Rhinosinusitis on Blood Pressure. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine7(10), 3640-3648.
  • AbidAlkadem, D. H., & Ali, M. I. (2021). Determination of Sensory Neural Hearing Loss Among Adult Patients With Diabetic Mellitus in Baquba Teaching Hospital. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, 7(5), 1684-1692.
  • Ali L. Salman, Duraid H. Abid Alkadem, Qays Jaafar Khalaf. (2021) Associated Risk Factors of Tinnitus Among Randomly Selected People in Baquba City – Iraq. Pakistan Journal of Medical and Health Sciences 15(3), 727-730.