Ass,Lec.Marwa Mansour Hussein|

       Biography and science

Full name and surnameMarwa Mansour Hussein al-obadi    
Place and date of birthDiyala 1988-11-16AddressDiyala
Graduation Year2020UniversityDiyala University
General SpecializationMedical MicrobiologyGraduated fromDiyala University/college of medicine
JobAssistant lec.SpecializationMedical microbiology
First appointment date2023-3-16Current work addressDiyala University/college of medicine
Reset appointment datePlace of first appointment ResetDiyala University
Certificates and academic qualifications
Scientific certificateSpecializationUniversity/CollegeDate
  Bachelor’sVeterinary MedicineDiyala University/college of Veterinary Medicine2010/2011
MastersMedical MicrobiologyDiyala University/college of medicine2020
Titles of MSc. thesis for Lecture
No. Title
1 The Seropositivity Rate of Human Parvovirus-B19 Infection in Children with Skin Rash and Thalassemia in Diyala Gavernarate
The scientific surname
No. SurnameDate
University Lecture 
No.JobUniversity (institute/college)Date (from – until) 
 Assistant . Lec.Baquba Technical Instittute2012-2014 
 Assistant. Lec.AL-Yarmouk University College2022-2023 
 The subjects she studied
 No. University/CollegeDepartment SubjectYearStages
  Baquba Technical Instittute Practical physiology practical chemistry practical anatomy Practical tissue2012-2014First Stage Second Stage
  AL-Yarmouk University CollegeDepartment of Medical Laboratory TechnologiesAdvanced laboratory techniques Histopathology hematopathology  2022-2023Third Stage
  AL-Yarmouk University CollegeDepartment of Medical Laboratory TechnologiesMedical Microbiology2022-2023Second Stage
  AL-Yarmouk University CollegeAnesthesia techniquesmedical terminology2022-2023Second Stage
Research published in the field of specialization
No.Search NameJoint / SingleFull title of the magazine
1The Parvovirus B19 infection and seroprevalence among pations with thalassemia in Diyala province-IraqJointThe Africa Health
2The rate of parvovirus B19 infection among children with clinically suspected erythema infectiosumin Diyala proinceJointAnnals of the Romanian society for cell Biology
Conferences, scientific symposia, workshops, continuing education courses and field practices in which She participated
NO.AddressYearVenueParticipant or Lecturer
1field practice2021Baquba General Hospital, Laboratory DepartmentParticipant
2The basics of working on the ELISA device and hormone analysis2022College of Health and Medical TechnologiesParticipant
3Pathological analysis course2022College of Health and Medical TechnologiesParticipant
4summer training2022Teaching laboratories/ Baquba Teaching HospitalParticipant
5A training course in statistical analysis using spss using a program graph pad2022Diyala University/college of medicineParticipant
Membership of scientific and administrative committees
No. College/UniversityCommitteeYear
1AL-Yarmouk University CollegeMember of the Absenteeism Committee2022
2AL-Yarmouk University CollegeSupervisor and administrator of the microbiology laboratory2022
3AL-Yarmouk University CollegeMember of the Student Activities Committee2022
Management Positions
Thanks Books
No.DonorNumber and year
1Building and Sustaining Peace(38)/year:21/12/2022/ Number