Dean’s Message|

With the help of God Almighty and with the help of sincere people in the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, the Ministry of Health, the Presidency of Diyala Health, and others in the city of Diyala, the Faculty of Medicine was established at the University of Diyala in the year (2002). At first, the college occupied a small building (which is the rest of an old defunct security institution), and later, on 10/15/2012, the college moved to the new location (in Mouradia, where the presidency and other colleges of Diyala University are). The new building of the college; It was built and equipped specifically for the College of Medicine, and to be in line with modern educational medical programs and the quality and reliability requirements of Iraqi medical colleges. The college is supported by Baquba and Al-Batoul Teaching Hospitals. The absorptive capacity of each of them is about (200) beds, and all the medical staff in all specialties along with the functional and nursing staff always do their best to educate and train students. The college has graduated fourteen generations of students who finished their studies and became residents and specialists doctors working on health sectors, able to follow the needs of public health, advance and work in all medical specialties, conduct research and studies so far and plan for future medical problems and dilemmas. College of Medicine – University of Diyala, always in communication with medical colleges and health institutions, in Iraq, and in the world, to keep pace with development and catch up with the corresponding advanced academic institutions in the world. To proceed with the implementation of the college’s vision, halls for theoretical lessons have been prepared with high specifications (capacity of 60 students), discussion and learning rooms in small groups, and well-developed and efficient laboratories. There is a plan soon to build a university teaching hospital with a capacity of 680 beds. The basic designs have been prepared within the university building, and implementation will take place over the years. next. College of Medicine – University of Diyala, always in communication with medical colleges and health institutions, in Iraq, and in the world, to keep pace with development and catch up with the corresponding advanced academic institutions in the world. To proceed with the implementation of the college’s vision, halls for theoretical lessons have been prepared with high specifications (capacity of 60 students), discussion and learning rooms in small groups, and well-developed and efficient laboratories. There is a plan soon to build a university teaching hospital with a capacity of 680 beds. The basic designs have been prepared within the university building, and implementation will take place over the years. next. College of Medicine – University of Diyala, always in communication with medical colleges and health institutions, in Iraq, and in the world, to keep pace with development and catch up with the corresponding advanced academic institutions in the world. To proceed with the implementation of the college’s vision, halls for theoretical lessons have been prepared with high specifications (capacity of 60 students), discussion and learning rooms in small groups, and well-developed and efficient laboratories. There is a plan soon to build a university teaching hospital with a capacity of 680 beds. The basic designs have been prepared within the university building, and implementation will take place over the years. next.
The dean’s office and the educational and functional staff adopt a clear and transparent policy in dealing with each other on the one hand and with the students on the other hand, in a professional and academic spirit, taking into account the scientific aspect, job performance and academic level only, far from other affiliations. The academic staff in the college have clearly advanced in their The field of scientific research, and they have published a lot of research in journals with global impact factors.
In the field of postgraduate studies, a master’s study was introduced in clinical general surgery (2012) and a diploma in family medicine (2014) in the college, followed by the development of the study of medical microbiology and a higher diploma in internal medicine. Several meals were graduated in the specialization of general surgery, pediatrics, family medicine and internal medicine. Cardiology, as well as a master’s degree in medical microbiology, and it is the intention to introduce a doctoral study in medical microbiology in the near future, God willing. In order to develop the scientific staff, several courses of the teaching staff were included in the scientific staff training plan, and in doctoral and master’s studies in the United States of America, or in the United Kingdom, Malaysia and universities of other developed countries.
The deanship and cadres of the college extend their gratitude and thanks to the Iraqi Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research for its support and special sponsorship of the college, as well as to the Presidency of Diyala University, the Presidency of Diyala Health, all medical colleges in Iraq, and to the administrative and service departments in Diyala Governorate, for their scientific and material support. We ask God for success for all medical institutions in Iraq, progress and prosperity.
Prof.Dr.Ismail Ibrahim Latif
Dean of the College