Ass.Prof.Dr. Assel Jassim Mohammed|

- Personal Information:
Full Name Aseel Jasim Muhammed
Gender Female
Nationality Iraqi
Address Diyala/ Alkhalis.
Mobile +964 7703999079
Date of Birth 30-11-1979
Place of birth Iraq, Diyala/ AL-khalis
Marital Status Married with 3 children
Languages Arabic & English
- Qualifications
. Certification of Iraqi Council for Medical Specialization in Pediatrics,
FICMS, with a thesis entitled “Left Ventricular function assessment in Children&Adolescent with Type 1DM by Echocardiography
1997- 2003: Bachelor in General Medicine & Surgery, M.B.Ch.B, awarded from
College of Medicine/ Al- Mustancirya University.
- Membership: Member of Iraqi Medical Association/ Iraq- Baghdad
-Member of Iraqi society of gastroenterology&hepatology
4. Work and Experiences :
2018- up to date: Assistant.Professor, Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine University of Diyala- Iraq.
2016- 2017: Lecturer, Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine,
University of Diyala – Iraq.
2011- 2015: Lecturer, Department of Pediatrics, College University ofALmustancirya- MD, Department of Pediatrics Central Teaching Hospital/ Baghdad-
2007- 2011: Iraqi Council for Medical Specialization/ Central Teaching
Hospital, worked as Resident Permanent Doctor at Pediatrics
2006-2007: College of Medicine/ Al- Mustansiriya University teaching
Hospital for Maternity & Children: Worked as Resident Permanent
2004- 2006: Baaquba Teaching Hospitals (General,
Maternity & Children Hospitals): worked as Resident Rotator Doctor.
5- Positions
2017- up to date: Chairman Assistent of Pediatrics department/ College of Medicine/
Diyala University.
2014- 2016: Manager of Studies, Planning, and Follow up Unite/ College of Medicine/
Diyala University.
2011- 2014: Chief of the examination committee.
6- Conferences & Scientific activities:
– Attendance of the 8th International Conference of Iraqi society of Gastroenterology&hepatology 2018
– Participation in Workshop on Medical education by WHO.
– Membership of the Directory Team at the First Scientific Conference for Student Researches of College of Medicine – Diyala University, 2014.
– Participant as Supervisor for 3 Researches at the First Scientific Conference for Student
Researches of College of Medicine – Diyala University, 2014
– Attendance &Participation in many Medical Lectures & Seminars in medical College & Al- Batool Teaching hospital/ Diyala.
– Participation in all annual lectures and workshops of Pediatrics division/ college of medicine/ Diyala University.
– Participation in all annual workshops and other scientific activities of the Continuous Education-College of Medicine/ Diyala University.
-Participant as Supervisor for 3 Researches at the second Scientific Conference for Student Researches of College of Medicine – Diyala University, 2022.
-Attendance of the 10th International Conference of Iraqi society of Gastroenterology&hepatology 2022.Baghdad,Iraq.
7- Published Researches:
1.Prevalence of Overweight and Obesity in Primary-SchoolChildren in Alkhalis City, Diyala Governorate, Iraq
2. Causes of Death in Children under- Five Years Old at ALBatoolTeaching HospitalAseel Jasim Muhammad ( MB ChB ,FICPS)1DJM2018.
3 .Breast feeding and co-morbidities on mothers and infants in twomain hospitals of Diyala Province, Baquba, Iraq
Kareem Assi Obaid (MD)1and Aseel Jasem Mohammed (MD)2DJM2017.
4. Outcome of patients with visceral leishmaniasis in Diyala provinceDawood S HameedAl-Azzawi (PhD) 1,Omar Dawood Salman Al-Azzawi )MSc)2,Aseel Jasim Muhammad (MBChB, FICPS)3and Farah Waleed Soliman (MBChB)4.DJM2017. | |
5. EnvironmentalFactorsAssociatedWithType1DiabetesMellitus Safa Raad Ghareeb (MBChB)1, Jalil Ibrahim Alezzi(PhD)2, Aseel Jasim Mohammed(PhD)3.DJM2021. | |
6 Neonatal Sepsis and its Associated Risk Factors in Albatool Teaching hospital / Diyala / Iraq Douaa Mohammed Jameel (MBChB)1, Aseel Jasim Mohammed(MBChB,FICMS, P)2, Sura Qais Almaaroff (MBChB, FICMS,CABP)3 and Shefaa Mansour Hamza (MBChB, FICMS,P)4.DJM2020. | |
8- Expertise
General pediatrics