Prof.Dr.Adil Hassan Mohammed|

Personal informations:
Family name (surname) : AL-Husseiny
Adress: New baquba- Diyala province-Iraq
Cell phone : (+064) 07727783410
Nationality: Iraq
Birth Date : 1/7/1965
Marital status :Married
Current job : Professor of medicine
Lecturer of medicine and physiololgy
Clinical in hospitals training of medical students- College of medicine
Place of job : College of medicine-University of Diyala Baquba Teaching Hospital
Job address: Baquba city –Diyala province-Iraq.
MB Ch B degree in medicine and surgery from college of medicine –University of Mosul-1989 (ranks13 over 253)
MD degree in medicine from college of medicine-University
Of Baghdad-1993 (ranks first)
PhD of medicine from Iraqi committee for medical specializations-1993 (ranks first)
Work experience:
1.Echocardiography-mode and Doppler mode both spectral and color flow mode-Pediatrics and adults
2.Upper and lower GI scoping techniques-Diagnostic
3.Teaching in University of Diyala –College of medicine-
Department of medicine and pharmacology
4. Cardiovascular CT angiography
Subjects of teaching:
#.Medical physiology
#.Clinical pharmacology
4.Clinical in hospital training of medical students- College of medicine
Effect of Radiofrequency Radiation Emitted by a Mobile Phone on Human Cardiovascular System
H Mahata, M Chatterjee, S De, M Sinha, PC Dhara – 2015 –
… Resuscitation. 51(2):173-177. 25. Alhusseiny AH, Al-Nimer, MS and Majeed AD (2012) Electromagnetic Energy Radiated from Mobile Phone Alters Electrocardiographic Records of Patients with Ischemic Heart Disease. Ann Med Health Sci Res. 2(2): 146–151. Page 8. [ 210 ] …
A Badnjević-Čengić, P Kovačević, S Dragić… – Hypertension –
… J Amer Coll Cardiol 1998; 32(2): 373-379. 7. Marwan SM Al-Nimer, Alhusseiny AH. Significant alteration of nitrogen species in acutemyocardial infarction does not releate to the site of infarction. Eur J Gen Med 2014;11(1): 10-14. ..
AH Alhussieny, MSM Al-Nimer… – North American journal of …, 2012 –
Various studies suggested that electromagnetic radiation (EMR) directly affects neurons by reducing the neuronal reactivity, increasing the neural membrane conductivity and prolonging their refractory period. The average latent period of excited single neuron is
AH Alhusseiny – Nigerian Journal of Cardiology, 2014 –
Background: Regular short term use of mobile phone at domestic level did not impact upon the health of humans. Objective: The objective of the following study is to look for the effect of radiofrequency emitted by mobile phone during turned on mode on the electrocardiogram …
MSM Al-Nimer, AH Alhusseiny… – Internal Medicine: Open …, 2013 –
Background and objectives: The clinical presentations of celiac disease (CD) are remarkably various age dependent. Free radicals overproduction may implicate in pathogenesis of CD or its complications. This study aimed to assess newly diagnosed CD …
MSM Al-Nimer, AH Alhusseiny – European Journal of General Medicine, 2014 –
This study aimed to assess the level of nitrogen species in patients presented with acute myocardial infarction and to relate the levels of nitrogen species to the infarction site. A total number of 113 patients admitted to the intensive care unit at Diyala Teaching Hospital. The patients were …
AH Alhusseiny, MSM Al-Nimer, FI Mohammad… – International Journal of …, 2016 – Elsevier
Background Serum annexin A5 (anxA5) level is significantly increased in patients with acute coronary syndrome. Hematological indices are significantly increased in patients with ischemic heart disease. This study aimed to demonstrate the changes in the distribution of …
AH Alhusseiny, MSM Al-Nimer… – … Journal of General …, 2013 –
Abstract This study aimed to look for the discrepancy between the laboratory investigation (determination of serum NT-proBNP), electrophysiological assessment (echocardiogram and Doppler study) and clinical assessment of known cases of congestive heart failure. …
AH Alhusseiny, MSM Al-Nimer… – Cardiology …, 2015 –
Background: Cystatin C (Cys-C) is a marker of renal damage. Higher serum levels of Cys-C were observed in cardiovascular disease. This study aimed to test the null hypothesis that Cys-C levels in newly diagnosed acute myocardial infarction (AMI) may remain high in the …
AH Alhusseiny –
Abstract Background and Objectives: Myocardial ischemia is the leading cause of mortality and morbidity in all over the world. Previous studies demonstrated that myocardial ischemic patients subjected to coronary angiograph were more likely to have significant high serum …
AH Alhusseiny – Journal of Diabetology, 2014 –
Abstract Myocardial ischemia is the leading cause of mortality and morbidity all over the world. Previous studies demonstrated that myocardial ischemic patients subjected to coronary angiograph were more likely to have significant high serum proBNP. The study …
KHBO Tip, D Hastalarda –
… Marwan Al-Nimer, Zhian Dezayee*, Adil Alhusseiny** … 7. Takahashi T, Anzai T, Kaneko H, Mano Y, Anzai A, Nagai T, Kohno T, Maekawa Y, Yoshikawa T, Fukuda K, Ogawa S. Increased C-reactive protein expression exacerbates left ventricular dysfunction and remodeling after …
…, YU Soyoral, H Begenik, MN Aldemir, AH Alhusseiny… –
The journal is currently indexed/included in Bioline International, Chemical Abstracts Service, CINAHL, EBSCO Information System, Swets Information Services Turkey Citation Index and Index Copernicus. … Comparison of the Clinical Results of Combined …
[HTML] Endothelial microparticles reduce ICAM‐1 expression in a microRNA‐222‐dependent mechanism
…, A Flender, K Paul, A Alhusseiny… – Journal of cellular …, 2015 – Wiley Online Library
Abstract Endothelial microparticles (EMP) are released from activated or apoptotic endothelial cells (ECs) and can be taken up by adjacent ECs, but their effect on vascular inflammation after engulfment is largely unknown. We sought to determine the role of EMP ..
1.1989-1991: Resident doctor in medical city-Baghdad
2.1991-1993: District areas doctor-Peripheries of Diyala province
3.1993-1997 :PhD study-Medical city-Senior house officer
4.1993-2004: Specialist of medicine-Baquba general hospital
5.1996-1998 :Head of department of medicine- Baquba general hospital
6.2004-2008 :Lecturer and head of department of medicine- University of Diyala –College of medicine
7.2009 :Assistant professor of medicine -Head of department of pharmacology -University of Diyala –College of medicine
8. 2011-2015: Head of dept. of medicine/College of medicine/Un. Of Diyala
9. Head of higher degrees educational studies –Dept of Medicine.
Certificates and training courses
1.Computer certificate 1999.
2.Teaching certification-college of Education-2004
3.Training on international classification of diseases-Ministry of health-1994
4.Traing certificate in echocardiography-Ministry of health in cooperation and direct training of KRETZ Austrian company-2001
5.Primary training in cardiac catheterization in Iraqi centre for cardiac diseases 2005
6. Diagnostic cardiac catheterization and Doppler echocardiography training course /University of Bonn Cardiology dept.2011
7. Cardiac CT angiography training course/Toshiba company/turkey/2012
8. joint research project with molecular cardiology research center university of Bonn since 2011 up to the current time
1. Attending many conferences held in our province both in university of diyala and directorate of health and conferences carried out in colleges of medicine in Iraq presenting my articles and listening to the studies and experiences from studies of our colleagues
2. 2nd world conference on diabetes ,obesity and cardiovascular disrders/Newyork/ Online with articles presentation
Other informations:
Mother language: Arabic
Foreign language :English
Professional memberships
Member of university Lecturers Association
Member of Iraqi medical associations
Member of Iraqi society for heart diseases
One thank, gratitude and appreciation letter from Iraqi minister of health.
One thank ,gratitude and appreciation letter from Iraqi minister of higher education and scientific research.
One thank ,gratitude and appreciation letter from general manager of health directorate of Diyala.
Two thanks ,gratitude and appreciation letters from Dean of college of medicine.