Prof. Dr. Amer Dawood Majeed|

Full Name: Amer Dawood Majeed
Date of birth: 1958
Place of birth: Al-Saadiya, Khaniquin, Iraq
Gender: Male
Marital status: Married, with 3 children’s
Nationality: Iraqi
Current work: Vice Dean College of medicine- Diyala University
Address: Baquba-Diyala-Iraq
Mobile no: 07705792416
Languages: Arabic& English
- Qualifications:
B.SC. General physics/Slahuddeen university 1982
M.Sc. Optic physics/Slahudeen university 1986
Ph.D. biomedical physics/Al-Mustansiriya university 2002
College of Science.
- Job and Positions
Date of Appointment: Assistant lecturer .college 14/2/ 1988
Of medicine/ Slahuddeen university.
Decision branch of physiology& medical physics/ 1995
Al-Anbar University.
Scientific upgrade: to lecturer 1996
College of medicine/Al-Anbar University.
Secretary of the board of the college of medicine- Diyala University 2004-2009
Decision branch of physiology &medical physics- 2005-2008
Diyala university-college of medicine.
Chef of the examination committee: 2007 – 2008
Head branch of pathology: 2007- 2008
Scientific upgrade: to Assistant professor 2008
College of medicine/Diyala University.
Head branch of pharmacology: 28/6/2008- 8/11/2008
College of medicine/Diyala University.
Vice dean for student Affairs. 2008 – 2013
Director of the studies and planning. 2013 – 2015
Scientific upgrade: to professor 2016
College of medicine/Diyala University.
Vice dean –College of Medicine-Diyala university 2015 – 2019
Vice dean for Scientific Affair 2020 – 2021
Vice dean for Administrative Affairs 2021-
4. Interest:
My field of interest is medical physics especially in respect with biomedical physics.
5. Activities:
-A member of editorial board at diyala journal of medicine.
-A member of teaching union.
-A member of physics union.
6. Publications: Amer D. Majeed
1-The effect of noise on hearing of workers in the glass and ceramic factory in Ramadi. Journal of AL-Anbar University, Vol. 1, June, 1996
2-Absorption properties of gamma radiation by human bone. Diyala Journal for applied researchers (DJAR) Vol. 2. No. 1. 2006
3-Diagnosis of biofilm formed on intrauterine devices by scanning electron microscope (SEM). Diyala Journal for applied researchers (DJAR) Vol. 1. No. 1. 2005.
4-A study the effect of magnetic field on the absorption spectrum of distilled water. Al-fath ,. Journal, No27, 2006
5-Mobile radiofrequency does not interfere with antiarrhythmic drugs in patients with ischemic heart disease. North American Journal of Medical Science l October 2012. Volume 4. Issue 10
6-Electromagnetic energy radiated from mobile phone alters electrocardiographic records of patients with ischemic heart disease. Annals of medical & health sciences research. Volume 2. No 2, Jul 2012
7-Influence of mobile phone electromagnetic field exposure on pseudomonas aeruginosa and staphylococcus aureus invitro. Diyala Journal of medicine.Vol. 5, issue 2, December 2013
8- The Response of Blood Platelets to the Vibration Sound in Healthy Subjects and Hypertensive, Diabetic Patients: In Vitro Study. STM Journals. 2015; RRJoI 23-28p. vol.5, issue 1
9- The effect of mobile waves on the growth of pathogenic Fungi.
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences. ISSN: 2319-7706 Volume 4 Number 11 (2015) pp. 838-842.
10- Radio frequency electromagnetic radiation exposure emitted from cell phone alters the FSH, LH hormones level in vitro.Int.J.Adv.Res. 4(12).2023-2031.ISSN:2320-5407.December 2016.
11- Effect Z-Score Normalization on Accuracy of Classification of liver disease. Jameel Mukbyber, DhahirAbdulhadeAbdulah, Amer D. Majeed, Turkish journal of computer and mathematics education 12, 658-662