Prof.Dr.Ismail Ibrahim Latif|

Curriculum Vitae
I Personal informations
- POST: Professor of Immunology 2012. Member of teaching staff of medical microbiology Molecular Biology and Internal Medicine \ cardiology.
- ADDRESS: College of Medicine/ Diyala University.
- DATE OF BIRTH: 12/5/1967.
MB.CH. B., MS.C., Ph.D.(medical virology and Immunology).
H. D .M (Internal Medicine \Cardiology).
Measles vaccination among seropositive individuals, an
invitro and invivo virological and immunological study.
- Title of High Diploma Thesis:
Echocardiographic assessment of Left ventricular function among patients admitted to Ebn Sena dialysis center in Diyala .
a- Postgraduate rotation in all fields of medicine in university hospital.
b- practice in medical microbiology in university hospital.
c- Teaching of medical microbiology of third year medical students in the Al- nahrain college of medicine.
d- Member of teaching staff of medical microbiology/medical virology, immunology.
E- Member of teaching staff of Internal Medicine.
- Supervisor on M.Sc. students (A study on the role of HPV infection of cervical lesion).
- Supervisor on Ph.D student (Hepatitis C virus Genotype and
Cellular immune Response In hemodialysis patients). - supervisor of M.Sc student (Performance of Recombinant rK39 antigen in the diagnosis of Leishmaniasis.
- Supervisor on M.Sc. students (Evaluation of cytokines IL-2 , IL-4 , IL-6, IL-18 , TNF in patients with heart failure).
- Supervisor on M.Sc. students (Serum Cytokine Levels of TNF-α, TGFᵦ and IL-10 In patients with Psoriasis)
- Supervisor on M.Sc. students
- Supervisor on H.MD. students (Evaluation of Homocysteinemia in patients with heart failure).
Teaching staff member of medical microbiology and Internal Medicine
Teaching staff member of cardiovascular Physiology
Head dept.of anatomy and molecular biology department \ college of medicine \ University of Diyala 2006.
Head dept. of medical microbiology department\ college of medicine \ University of Diyala 2007.
Vice Dean of scientific affair\ college of medicine \ University of Diyala 2008 -2015
Vice Dean of scientific affair\ college of medicine \ University of Diyala 2019 .
Dean \ College of Medicine \ University of Diyala 2018 till now.
Practice on echocardiography in internal medicine department in Baquba Teaching hospital since 10\2012 till now.
Assistant Prof. Layla S. Al-omer (medical virology).
Prof. Nidal abd Al-mohaimen (immunology).
Prof. Nawal Y. Al-janabi (medical virology).
Prof. Tarq I. Al-jebbori (medical parasitology).
Prof. Zaki G. abd Al-Ghani (bacteriology).
Prof. Rassol Al-Dabbagh (medical mycology).
Prof.adil Hassan mohammed (internal medicine\ cardiology).
Assist prof. Ali Mosa Jaffar(internal medicine\ cardiology).
Assist prof. Ahmed Medab Athab (internal medicine\ cardiology).
Consultant physition Nabeel Khalid (internal medicine\ nephrology).
VI- PATENTS: Establishment of lymphoblast cell lines
Conference attendance
The first scientific conference: college of Science / Kirkuk University, Kirkuk – Iraq 22 -23 December 2008.
The second scientific conference: college of medicine / Tikrit University, Tikrit – Iraq 3 – 4 May 2009.
The first scientific conference for basic sciences: Diyala University, Diyala – Iraq 13 – 14 December 2009.
The first scientific conference: college of medicine / Diyala University, Diyala – Iraq 18 -19 April 2010.
Conference on molecular aspects of cell biology: a prospective from computational physics. Co-sponsored by :ICGEG / DEMOCRITOS, Trieste – Italy. Miramare, Trieste – Italy 11-15 October 2010.
The first scientific conference of accreditation committee: Establishing and Accrediting Medical Schools : ministry of higher education and scientific research , Baghdad – Iraq : 30 September 2010.
The sixth medical conference: Diyala Health Directorate in cooperation with college of medicine, Diyala – Iraq : 8 – 9 December 2010.
Eppendorf training course on: Advanced and Real-Time PCR 24-271 / 2011, Training Center Asia Pacific, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
International Conference On Natural Products 2011 Metabolomics: A new Frontier in Natural Products Science. 14-16/11/2011 Palm Garden Hotel, IOI Resort, Putrajaya, Malaysia.
WHO : The Scientific Conference of Accreditation Committee: Quality Imrovment of Health Professions Education in Iraq through Accreditation from 27-29/2 /2012 : ministry of higher education and scientific research, Amman – Jordan 2012.
Training course on Infectious Disease from 1- 28/4 /2012 . Ataturk Training and Research Hospital, Ankara –Turkiya
The forty one scientific conference: college of Medicine /Baghdad University, Baghdad – Iraq 22 -23 December 2017.
Training course on cardiology and Echocardiography from 1- 28/11 /2018 . Seljuk Training and Research Hospital, Qunia –Turkiya
- Measles vaccination among seropositive individuals an in vitro and in vivo virological and immuonological studyII Latif – Baghdad-Iraq. Doctor of Physiology thesis in medical 2002.
- Antibody response among seropositive individuals after measles vaccination II Latif, LS Al- Omar, N Abdul-Muhymen Iraqi J. Med 3 (1), 26-28 2004.
- The possibility of thrombocytopenia following measles vaccination IILEDA • Talal H A J Basic Med Sc. 3 (1)2005.
- Expression of measles virus in lymphoblastoid cell line MAHLSA Ismail I Latif Iraqi Postgraduate Medical Journal 4 (2), 137-139 2005.
- ESTABLISHMENT OF REPRODUCIBLE LYMPHOBLASTOID CELL LINES Nidal AbdulMuhymen, Layla AlOmar, Ismail I Latif Iraqi Postgraduate Medical Journal 4 (2), 137-139 2005.
- Rubella post vaccinational antibody response among rubella serpositive individuals Ismail I Latif IRAQI J MED SCI 6 (3), 99-103 2008.
- A study on human papillomavirus using in situ hybridization technique and its role in cervical neoplasia AM Al-Shwaikh, II Latif, LR Al Khuzaee – Iraqi Journal of Medical Sciences, 2008.
- The Possible Role of pRb Expression in Cervica Carcinomas and Their Premalignant Lesions Arwa Mujahid Abdullah Al-shwaikh, Ismail Ibrahim Latif Department of Medical Microbiology,College of Medicine,Al-Nahrain University 2009.
- New Modified methods of establishment of lymphoblast cell lines Ismail I Latif Diyala Journal for pure sciences 6 (3), 276-280 2010.
- New Methods for Establishment of Lymphoblastoid Cell Lines Ismail Ibrahim Latif Diyala Journal For Pure Science 6 (3), 277-287 2010.
- Immunohistochemical Study of Retinoblastoma Protein Prb Expression in Cervical Carcinomas and Their Premalignant Lesions AMA Al-Shwaikh, II Latif Diyala Journal For Pure Science 6 (3), 68-76 2010.
- Sero Epidemiological Study of Outbreak of Measles among Children in Diyala2009 Ismail I Latif, Mehdi SH AlZuheiry, Nadhim GH Noaman Tikrit Medical Journal 16 (2), 94-99 2010.
- Relation between High Risk HPV E6 and P53 Proteins Expression in Cervical Carcinoma and Their Premalignant Lesions Arwa Mujahid Abdullah AlShwaikh Ismail Ibrahim Latif, Arwa Abdullah University of Duhok 2010.
- Cytoprotective effects of Bauhinia purpurea leaf extractagainst ethanol-induced gastric mucosal ulcer in rats Ismail Ibrahim Latif Scientific research and essays 6 (25), 5396-5402 2011.
- Acute toxicity study and wound healing potential of Gynura procumbens leaf extract in ratsAA Zahra, FA Kadir, AA Mahmood, SM Suzy, SZ Sabri, II Latif, KA KetulyJournal of Medicinal Plants Research 5 (12), 2551-2558 2011.
- International Conference on Natural Products Metabolomics A New Frontier in Natural Products Science Ismail Ibrahim Latif Dept Microbiology and Mol. Medicine Universiti Putra Malaysia 2011.
- Changes in p16INK4 Protein Expression During Cervical Cancer Progression and Correlatio to HPV Infection A Al-Shwaikh, I Latif, S Kadhim University of Jordan 2012.
18. Genotyping of Hepatitis C Virus Isolates from Iraqi Hemodialysis Patients by Reverse
Transcription -PCR and One Step Nested RT-PCR IIL 16. Arwa Mujahid Abdullah ,
Abdul-Razaq Hardan DJM 3 (1), 9-18 2012.
- Heart Failure: Discrepancy Between NYHA Functional Classification, Serum NT-pro Brain Natriuretic Peptide and Ejection Fraction AKI Adel Hassan Alhusseiny, Marwan
Salih Mohamad Al,smail Ibrahim Latif Eur J Gen Med 10 (1), 26 – 31 2013.
- Role of hemodialysis and hepatitis C virus infection in circulating Th1 and Th2 cytokines in patients with chronic renal disease IILLJAAH • Arwa Mujahid Abdullah,
Abdul-Razaq Hardan Journal of Genetic and Environmental Resources Conservation 1
(1), 6-11 2013.
21 Influence of Mobile Phone Electromagnetic Field Exposures on Pseudomonas
and Staphylococcus Aureusinvitro Brooj Muhammmed Irzouk, Ismail Ibrahim Latif, DAmer Majeed Diyala Journal of Medicine Diyala University.
22.Clinical Implications of Serum NT-pro Brain Natriuretic Peptides in Type1 Diabetes
With Positive Antiviral Antibodies A Journal of Medicine Marwan S.M. Al-Nimer,
Zhian Mahmood Ibrahim,Ismail Ibrahim Latif, Ahood K EJGM 3 (1), 12 – 16 2013 . 23. Susceptibility for Measles Infection among young Adults Ismail Ibrahim Latif , Abdul
Wahid SS, and Shaker MJ IJBPAS 3 (2), 165-173 2014.
24. Detection of Serum Hs CRP and C3 Complement Levels Following Immunization with
Measles Containing Vaccine in Iraqi Young Adults II Latif, SS Abdul–Wahid, AM
Abdullah ZJ Mohammed Diyala Journal of Medicine 7 (1), 50-56 2014.
25.Antibodies to measles following vaccination with measles containing vaccine in a
Selectted sample of an Iraqi young adults GGFMJS Latif II, Abdul-Wahid SS
International Journal of Advanced Research 2 (5), 607-613 2014.
AM Abdullah, ARH Ahmed, II Latif Science Journal of University of Zakho 2 (1), 116-123 2014.
27. The Impact of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in the Gene of Toll-Like Receptor-4 in
Prostate Cancer HA Shamran, AB Al-Obaidi, QW Jamal, II Latif Diyala Journal of
Medicine 9 (1), 1-10 2015.
28. Qualitative evaluation of humoral immunity of β- thalassaemia patients by
Immunofixation test Najdat Shukur Mahmood1*, Abdulrazzaq Mustafa Abbas2, Ismail
Ibrahim latif3 and Zena Jassim Mohammed4 International Journal of Current Medical
and Pharmaceutical Research 2015.
29.Performance of Recombinant rK39 antigen in the diagnosis of
Leishmaniasis Ismail Ibrahim Latif , Ashraf Jamail Mahmoud , Yaseen Majed Salman
Diyala Journal of Medicine 10 (2), 16 – 23 2016.
30.Echocardiographic Assessment Of Left Ventricular Systolic Function Among Patients
Managed In Ebn Sena Dialysis Center In DIiyala Ismail Ibrahim Latif, Ali Mosa Jaffar,
Ahmed Talal Abdulla , Nabeel Khalid College of Medicine University of Diyala 2017.
31.Assement of Severity of Community Acquired Pneumonia By CURB-65 AT Abdullah, II
Latif Diyala Journal of Medicine 16 (2), 48-54 2019.
32.The Relationship between Metabolic Syndrome and 2 Dimensional Echocardiographic Study
Of Left ventricular Mass Ali Musa Jaafer, Ahmed Talal Abudullah, Ismail Ibrahim Latif
Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology 2019.
33. The Role Dexa scan Application in Uremic Patients on Hemodialysis in Ibn-Sina Hemodi-
alysis Center Shakir Hameed Mohamed1,Yousif Naser Haded 2,Ismail Ibrahim Latif 3,
Ahmed Methab Athab 4,Nabeel Khalid Alwendi 5 Diyala Journal of Medicine 2019.
34. Rol of turmor necrosis factor alpha and transforming growth factor beta as predictive marker
for psoriasis patients Tadamun H Abdullah 1,Ismail I Latif 2,Khudair Kh I brahim 3 Diyala
Journal of Medicine 2020.
35. Evaluation of TNFα in Patients with Heart Failure According to BNP Concentration.
Ali Abd Alhassan Ali 1,Ismail Ibrahim Latif 2, Ali Mosa Jaffar 3 Medico-legal publication
India 2020.
36. Antimicrobial Activity of Non-bond Colicin on Candida albicans Biofilm Nayarah .S.
Hussain1, , Ismail .I. Latif 2,i, Hind .H. Obaid3i Iraqi J.of Science 2020.
37. Homocysteinemia in Heart Failure Mohammed Adnan Khaleefah 1,Ismail Ibrahim Latif 2,
Ali Mousa Jaffar 3 , Diyala Journal of Medicine 2020.
38. Detection and comparison of Sapovirus, rotavirus and norovirus among infants and
young children with acute gastroenteritis Mariam Sami Abdulazeez1, Arwa Mujahid Al-
Shuwaikh2* Ismail Ibrahim Latif Annals of Tropical Medicine & Public Health 2020.
39. Detection of Interleukin-2 and 31 serum among patients with uremic Pruritus Hiba
Mohammed Jasim 1, Ismail Ibrahim Latif 2.
40. Detection of serum cytokines IL-6, IL-10 and IFNɣ in COVID-19 patients as disease
severity predictors Inaam Ali Abid 1, Ismail Ibrahim Latif 2.
41. Prevalence of SEN Virus (SEN-V) and Pegivirus (GBV-C) Among Patients on Maintenance
Hemodialysis Haider Ahmed 1, Ismail Ibrahim Latif 2.
E mail
Mobile: 07715401035