Prof.Dr.Khudair Khalaf Ibrahim|

((Prof. Dr. Khudhair Khalaf Ibrahim Al-Kayalli ))
Personal Details :-
Name : Khudhair Khalaf Ibrahim
Date of birth : 1st July 1958
Place of birth : Diyala , Iraq
Marital status : Married , have 12 children
Nationality : Iraqi
Gender : Male
Address : Iraq , Diyala , Baquba
Mobile No. : 00964- 07904326801 – 07717659592
E – mail :
Scientific title : Professor- Consultant Dermatologist
The date of first employment : 1981
The date of employment in the ministry of higher education and scientific researches : 2006
The accurate and general specialization : surgery and general medicine \ Dermatology and Venereology .
Academic Qualifications :
- M.B.Ch.B. College of Medicine , Al-Mustansyria University : 1984 .
- D.D.V. ( Diploma Dermatology and Venereology ) , Baghdad University : 1994 .
- F.I.B.M.S. ( Fellowship of Iraqi Board for Medical Specialization in Dermatology and Venereology ) , Baghdad 2000 .
The previous appointment experience :
- House rotator physician : Al-Rasheed teaching Hospital 1984 .
- House rotator physician : salah – aldeen hospital 1986 .
- Permanent physician : Al-Emarra general Hospital 1988 .
- Post graduate study : Diploma In Dermatology and Venereology College of Medicine , Baghdad University : 1994 .
- Specialist in Dermatology : Baquba Teaching Hospital 1994 – 1997 .
- Post graduate study : Iraqi Board in Dermatology and Venereology 1997 – 2000 .
- Consultant Dermatologist : Al-Rashed Teaching Hospital 2000-2002 .
- Consultant Dermatologist : Baquba Teaching Hospital 2003-2005 .
- Head of Department of Pharmacology : College of Medicine , Diyala University 2006-2007 .
- The assistant of the Dean of college of medicine for students affairs during 2006 .
- Dean of College of Medicine : Diyala University 2008 – 2011 .
- Temporary Dean of College of veterinarian Medicine: Diyala University 10\9\2008 .
- Temporary Dean of college of Basic Education : Diyala University 3\8\2009 .
- Vice president of Diyala university for scientific affairs 6 / April 2011.
- Teacher in dermatology / College of Medicine / Diyala University since 2March 2006 .
- Consultant dermatologist , college of Medicine , Diyala University , April 2013 .
Teaching Activities :
- Teach the Dermatology and Venereology for post graduate students : Iraqi Board for Medical Specialization , Al-Rashed Teaching Center from 2001-2003 .
- Teach the Dermatology and Venereology for post graduate students : Iraqi Board for Medical Specialization , Baghdad Teaching Center from 2003 .
- Teach the Dermatology and Venereology for under graduate students , College of Medicine , Diyala University from 2006 till now .
- Teach the dermatology and venereology for post graduate students of Kurdistan Board of Dermatology and venereology , Al-Sulaimania Center since 2015 .
Language :
Mother language : Arabic
Other language : English
The book of thanks and rewords :-
- Has 8 thank books from the minister of higher education and scientific affairs .
- Has eightteen thank books from the president of Diyala university .
- Has thank book from Dean of College of Medicine / Al-Anbar University .
- Has thank book from Dean of College of Agriculture / Diyala University .
- Has thank book from the director of Diyala health office .
Societies & Scientific Activities ( scientific participation ) :
- Member of Iraqi Society of Dermatologists since 2001 .
- Speaker participate in the first scientific congress ( conference ) of Iraqi Society of Dermatologists , Baghdad , Iraq 21-22 Nov. 2000 .
- Speaker and participate in the second scientific congress of Iraqi Society of Dermatologists , Baghdad , Iraq 8-10 Jan. 2002 .
- Speaker and participate in the fifth scientific congress of Diyala health office , Baquba , Iraq 26-27 Dec. 2001 .
- Speaker and participate in the Dermatopolatin scientific congress of Jordanian society of Dermatologist 26-28 April 2006 .
- Participate in the third scientific congress of Iraqi society of Dermatologists , Istanbul – turkey 14-16 may 2005 .
- Speaker and participate in the first scientific symposium of College of Medicine , Diyala University 6 April 2008 .
- Speaker and participate in the second scientific symposium of college of medicine , Diyala University March 2009 .
- Training course for the Deans of Iraqi Medical Colleges , 24 February –10 March 2009 , Seoul / Korea .
- Speaker and participate in the first scientific congers of Diyala University 2009 .
- Head of first scientific congress of college of medicine and speaker , Diyala University 19-20 April 2010 .
- Participate in symposium (the basics and standard of teaching quality ) in Nawrose University – Duhuk province , 20-21 \10\2010 .
- Participate in the scientific congress for medicine sciences in Hawlear University , 28-30\3\2010 .
- Participate in workshop ( accreditation writing self assessment report for medical college ) in Arbil , 20-22\12\2009 .
- Participate in scientific congress in Duhuk ( the scientific meeting for children psychology ) , 3-8\11\2008 .
- Participate with the Diyala University group to hold an a convention cooperate between Diyala University and Governmental Belarusian University for medicine and for data processing and electronic communication , 2-12\7\2010 .
- Participate in training circle on laser system in Germany , 7\5\2011 .
- Speaker and participate in the second scientific congers of college of medicine , Diyala University 26-27 Sep. 2012 .
- Speaker and participate in the forth scientific congers of the researches center of childhood and motherhood , Diyala University , 5-6 Des. 2012 .
- Teaching training programme for Iraqi faculty members , Aligarh Muslim University , Aligarh, India , 3Oct.-2Nov. 2012 .
- Speaker and participate in the first international conference of Kurdistan Society of Dermatology , 21-23October 2015 , Erbil .
- Participate in Sharmderma , the International Conference for Dermatology and Cosmetology ,29October-1Sembtember 2015, Cairo-Egypt .
- Head of Commity for examination of two student to pass a Master Deegre in dermatology , Al-Slamania college of Medicine , 22-23November 2015 .
- Participate in certificate course in Aesthetic Medicine –American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine – Dubai, UAE- 9-11April 2016 .
- Participant in Dubai Derma 2016 , 16th Dubai World Dermatology and Laser Conference and Exhibition , 12-14April 2016 , Dubai , UAE .
The main committees that I participate in :-
- The president of supervision committee on project of the milieu and healthy survey in baquba schools .
- The president of promotions committee in the presidency of Diyala University in 18\5\2009 .
- The president of origination and deletion committee in the presidency of Diyala University in 27\10\2009 .
- The president of medical teaching committee in the Medical college of Diyala University in 12\1\2010 .
- The president of higher education trunk committee in the Medical college of Diyala University in 10\1\2010 .
- The president of quality guarantee committee in the Medical college of Diyala University in 28\4\2010 .
- The president of collaboration technique committee between the colleges of Diyala University .
- The committee’s president of lodging the employees and teachers of Diyala University in 19\7\2009 .
- The committee’s president of tender’s opening of Diyala University in 14\4\2009 .
- The committee’s president of civilian defense institution in Medical college of Diyala University in 18\2\2009 .
- The committee’s member of the teaching competence test in Diyala University 2008 .
- The council’s member of the depending , evaluation and quality guarantee in Diyala University .
- The scientific committee’s member of the continuation the scientific researches in Diyala health directorate in 17\11\2008.
- The president of central committee of chemical , biological and toxic materials / Diyala University .
- Member of central committee for evaluation and progressing of depending and quality guarantee in Diyala university 2012 .
- Head of committee of graduating of academic staff in college of medicine , Diyala university 2012 till now .
The Publication Of The Scientific Researches :
- Intralesional therapy of cutaneous leishmanasis by 2% zinc sulphate solution . Journal of Pan- Arab League of Dermatologist ; Vol. 7 No. 2 Sep. 1996 .
- Solar lichenoid Dermatosis . A clinical and histological study . Saudi medical Journal ; Vol. 23 No. 11 Nov. 2002 .
- New method for treatment of molloscum contagiosium by puncturing of the lesion by disposable needle . Alfath Journal , Diyala University ; No. 29 , 2007 .
- Treatment of solar lichenoid dermatosis by 0.05% clobetazol dipropoinate ointment . Diyala Journal of applied research , Vol. 3 ; No. 1 , 2007 .
- Steroid acne . A clinical study in Baquba City ,Iraq . Diyala Journal of applied research , Vol. 4 ; No. 1 , 2008 .
- Sarcoptus scabiei may be a cause of papular urticaria . A clinical study in Diyala , Iraq . Diyala journal of applied research , Vol. 4 ; No. 1 , 2008 .
- Prevalence of skin diseases in Diyala Province . Alfath Journal , Diyala University No. 30 ; 2007 .
- Clinical and comparative study of tinea versicolor in Diyala Province . Iraqi Journal of community medicine , Al-Mostanseria University Vol. 22 , Number -1 , January -2009 .
- Prevalence of eczema and dermatitis in Diyala province . Diyala Journal for applied research , College of Medicine , Diyala University , Volume -5 , Number -1 , 2009 .
- Infantile gluteial granuloma . Clinical study . First scientific congers of Diyala University 13-14/12/2009 .
- Erosive primary irritant contact napkin dermatitis (Jacquat”s) . Clinical study . Diyala Journal for pure sciences , Vol. 6 , No. 3 , 2010.
- Antibacterial activity of aqueous extract of green tea on bacteria isolated from children with impetigo , Diyala Journal of Medicine , Vol. 1 , No. 1 , July 2011 .
- Treatment of scabies by sulphur ointment mixed with clobetasol dipropionate oint. , Iraqi Journal of Community Medicine , Vol. 24 , No. 3, July 2011 .
- The rate of superficial fungal infections among patients with different skin diseases in Diyala , Iraq , Iraqi Journal of Community Medicine , Vol. 24, No. 3, July 2011 .
- Pemphigus vegetance , a clinical , histopathological and therapeutic study in Iraqi patients , Diyala Journal of medicine , Vol. 2, No. 1, April 2012 .
- Clinical usefulness of IgE as a serological Marker for diagnosis of nodular scabies , Diyala Journal of Medicine , Vol. 2 , No. 1, April 2012 .
- Relation ship between Hepatitis C Virus infection and skin diseases . Diyala Journal of Medicine ,Vol.3 , No. 1 , October 2012 .
- Men sexual dysfunction is one of embarrassment of Human wrights of Women .Year book of Center of Childhood and Motherhood , Diyala University , Vol.8 , Part-1 , 2013 .
- Prevalence of viral skin infections among patients in Diyala Provence . Diyala Journal of Medicine , Vol. 6 , No. 1 , 2014 .
- Molluscum Contagiosium in Baquba City , Epidemiological study with identification of MC viruses by PCR . Diyala journal of Medicine , Vol.8, Issue 1, April 2015.
- Seroprevalence of Herpes simplex virus IgG antibody in Diyala Provence . Diyala Journal for pure sciences, Vol.11,No.2, April 2015.
- Evaluation of efficacy and safety of intensive pulse light (IPL) in treatment of hirsutism in Iraqi women with some epidemiological data . Diyala Journal of Medicine , Vol. 9, Issue 2 , December 2015 .
- Evaluation of the effectiveness of peremetherin and trimethoprim /sulfomethoxazole on pediculosis capitis and some bacteria isolated from its complications, International Journal of Current Research , Vol. 8, Issue, 6, April , 2017 .