Prof.Dr.Marwan S.M. Al-Nimer|

Name: Marwan S.M. Al-Nimer

Gender: Male

Place & Date of Birth: Baghdad, 29 July 1954.

Language: Arab, English, and France

Affiliation: Emeritus Professor of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics,

                   Specialist in internal medicine

                   College of Medicine, University of Diyala


Mobile Number: 07902600291

E mail:



  • MBChB.(Medical Bachelor Children Bachelor) 1978: from College of Medicine, Baghdad University.
  • Doctorate en medical science (Pharmacologie) 1984: from University Catholique de Louvain , BXL, Belgium.
  • MD (Higher Diploma in Medicine)2000: from College of Medicine, Al-Mustansiriya University.

Scientific Activities

  • Number of published articles: 205
  • Number of article published in journal indexed in Scopus: 79
  • Number of Strategy research: 6
  • Number of edited books : 7
  • Number of patents: 4
  • Number of supervision PhD thesis: 21
  • Number of supervision M.Sc thesis: 40
  • Number of supervision Higher certificate Diploma (Iraqi and Arab Board): 26
  • Number of supervision diploma dissertation: 2
  • Scopus h-index: 7;   Google scholar h-index: 12,  i10-index: 16