Prof. Dr. Mehdi Shemkhi Jebr|

Name: Prof. Dr. Mehdi Shemkhi Jebr Al-Zuheiry
Nationality: Iraqi
Place of birth: Iraq, Diyala, Mandeli
Date of birth: 1967
Marital status: Married
.M.B.Ch.B. , Al-Nahrein university, College of medicine, 1994.
.D.C.H. (Diploma in child health), Al-Nahrein university, 2000.
.F.I.C.M.S.Ped. (Fellow of Iraqi commission for medical specialization- Pediatrics),
i.e. Ph.D in Pediatrics, 2000.
•Scientific degree : Professor of Pediatrics.
Consultant of Pediatrics.
Experiences: .House officer in Al-Kadhemya teaching hospital / Baghdad, from 3/7/1994 – 27/10/1996.
.Senior house officer of Pediatrics in Al-Kadhemya teaching hospital / Baghdad, from 28/10/1996 – 31/5/2001.
.Pediatrics specialist in Al-Mansour teaching hospital, medical city/ Baghdad, from 10/6/2001 – 4/3/2002.
.Pediatrics specialist in Al-Emara infectious disease hospital/Misan health directorate from 10/3/2002 – 2/9/2002
.Pediatrics specialist in Al-Batool teaching hospital for gynecology & pediatrics in Baquba city /Diyala health directorate from 8/9/2002 – 2/2/2003.
• Pediatrics specialist in Baladrooz general hospital/ Diyala health directorate from 3/2/2003 – 2/7/2003.
•Pediatrics specialist in Al-Batool teaching hospital for gynecology & pediatrics in Baquba city /Diyala health directorate from 2/7/2003 – 28/2/2006.
• Working in College of Medicine/Diyala university since 4/3/2006.
• Lecturer degree from College of Medicine/Diyala university in 28/1/2007.
• Assistant professor degree in Pediatrics from College of Medicine/Diyala university in 28/1/2011.
• Pediatrics Consultant degree from ministry of health since 13/4/2014
• Professor degree in Pediatrics from College of Medicine/Diyala university since 1/9/2016.
.Head of Pediatrics department, college of medicine, Diala university . 19/4/2006 – July 2015
. Member of Pediatrics department, college of medicine, Diala university since July 2015
Conferences & scientific activities :
- Workshop on Pediatrics in Cairo university hospitals. Egypt, March 4-30/2004, (The program of trilateral medical technical cooperationfor Iraq).
- Participation in the first symposium of Diyala medical college–2008 with a topic titled ” The last approaches in the treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis “.
- Participation in the second symposium of Diyala medical college-2009 with a thesis titled ” The incidence of failure to thrive in children aged 1-5 years in Kanaan sub-district, Diyala province “.
- Participation in the first scientific conference of Diyala University – (13-14/12/ 2010) with a thesis titled ” Urinary tract infections and failure to thrive among children aged 2 months – 5 years in Diyala province”.
- Participation in the first scientific conference of college of medicine – Diyala university -(18-19/4/2010) with a thesis titled ” The prevalence of rotavirus infection in Baquba- Diyala province.”
- Attendance of the second international conference of medical sciences – Hawler university. 28th-30th march 2010.
- Participation in the sixth medical conference at Diyala health directorate. 2nd– 23rd Dec. 2010
- Participation in the clinical courses of infectious diseases & hematology – Ankara, Turkey. 1-28, April, 2012.
- Participation in the second scientific conference of college of medicine – Diyala university -(26-27/9/2012).
- Participation in the firs scientific conference of student researches – college of Medicine – Diyala university (23-24/4/2014).
Published researches :
1. The incidence of failure to thrive in children aged 1-5 years in Kanaan sub-district, Diyala province.
2. Urinary tract infections and failure to thrive among children aged 2 months – 5 years in Diyala province.
3. The prevalence of rotavirus infection in Baquba- Diyala province.
4. Sero-epidemiological study of outbreak of measles among children in Diyala – 2009.
5. Clinico-epidemiological trends of Visceral leishmaniasis in
Diyala Governorate during the period 2009-2010.
6. Emotional and behavioral problems among school children.
7. Utility of serological tests for the clinical diagnosis of celiac disease in children in Diyala province.
8. Serological detection of celiac disease among children in Diyala province- Iraq.
9. The prevalence and the quantification of Hepatitis C Virus among thalassemia patients using ELISA and PCR in Diyala province.
- Member of scientific committee of Diyala medical college & Diyala health Directorate..
- Member of Iraqi medical association.
- Member of Iraqi pediatric society.
- Editorial member of the Diyala journal of applied researches-Diyala medical college 2010.
- Editorial member of the Diyala medical journal – Diyala medical college, 2011-.
- Attendance of several medical conferences in Iraq.
Languages: Arabic & English (written & spoken)
Address: Iraq, Diyala, Baquba, Kanan
Mobile: 07715979763