Prof.Dr.Salih Mahdi Salman|

1. Personal information
- Full Name: Dr. Salih Mahdi Salman
- Designation: Professor
- Degree: Doctorate in Organic Chemistry
- Position: Coordinator of Chemistry and Biochemistry Dep.
- Department: Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
- Faculty: Faculty of Medicine
- Bate of birth: 3/ 6/ 1962
- Current address: Department of chemistry- Faculty of Medicine- University of Diyala- Baquba city- Republic of Iraq.
- Phone No. : +964-7719608316
- E-mail :,,
2. Qualifications
- B.Sc of chemistry- University of Baghdad- Iraq- 1986.
- M.Sc of Organic chemistry- University of Baghdad-Iraq- 1997
- PhD of Organic chemistry- University of Malaya- Malaysia – 2013
3. Work and Experiences
- Lecturer at department of chemistry Faculty of Education- Ibn Al-haitham, University of Baghdad from 1997-2003.
- Lecturer at open Educational Faculty , ministry of Education , Baghdad , Republic of Iraq
- Lecturer at Al-yrmouk University College 2003-2004.
- Lecturer at Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Pure Sciences, University of Diyala,
- Lecturer at Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Diyala 2014.
- Lecturer at University of Diyala- from 2004-up to date.
- Currently Coordinator of Chemistry Department, Faculty of Medicine.
- Director manager of Diyala journal of Medicine from 2017 up to 2020
- Reviews and Editorials board Activities
- Reviewer Academic papers submitted to Diyala Journal for pure Science, Faculty of Sciences, Diyala University and Diyala Journal of Medicine.
- Reviewer Indian Journal of Chemistry
- Reviewer at European journal of Chemistry.
- Reviewer at plant cell biotechnology and molecular biology journal
- Reviewer at Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International
- Reviewer at Advances in Research journal
- Edi Editorial member at Diyala journal of veterinary Medicine
- torial manager for Diyala Journal of Medicine.
- Editorial member at Diyala journal of Agricultural Sciences
- Editorial member at Asian Journal of Pregnancy and Childhood
5. Some Publication
- Synthesis of new 1,6-hetroaromatic derivatives of D-glucitol and D-mannitol-M.Sc thesis, University of Baghdad ,1997
- Sugar-based surfactant with amide Linkage-PhD thesis, University of Malaya, 2013.
- Salih Mahdi Salman, Thorsten Heidelberg & Hairul Anuar Bin Tajuddin. 2013. Amide-linked glycolipids by Staudinger coupling of glycosylated alkyl diazides with fatty acids. Carbohydr. Res. 375, 55-62 (ISI-Cited Publication).
- S.M. Salman, T. Heidelberg, R.S.D Hussen, H.A. Tajuddin 2014. Amide-Based Surfactants from Methyl Glucoside as Potential Emulsifiers, J. Surfact Deterg DOI 10.1007/s1743-014-1628-8. (ISI-Cited Publication).
- Sugar-based surfactants via click chemistry, Diyal Journal for Pure Science, Vol: 11, No: 1, January 2015, pp 11-18.
- Synthesis a Series of 1,3,4-thiadiazole Derivatives and Investigate Their Biological Activity, Diyal Journal for Pure Science, Vol: 1 2 December:1, 2016, pp 121-131
- Study the Effect of Depleted Uranium Used by Coalition Forces in Increasing of Cancer Disease in Diyala governorate, Diala , Jour , Volume , 29 , 2008.
- Bisamide and Tetrahydropyrimidine Sugar Surfactants via Staudinger Reaction, International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science (IJARCS) , Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2015, PP 18- 26
- Straight and Branched Sucrose Monoamide Derivatives as New Emulsifier, Chemical Science Transactions, 2016, 5(2), pp 295-304.
- Comparison of efficacy of rosuvastatin as cholesterol synthesis inhibitor with atorvastatin and simvastatin in patients with hypercholesterolemia, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, Jan-Mar 2020, Vol 12, Issue 1, pp 305-308.
- New bio-amphiphilic structures of sucrose via amides linkages, Salih Mahdi Salman, Int. J. Res. Pharm. Sci.,10(4),3143-3154
- New heterocyclic derivatives based on lactose via unusual Staudinger reaction, Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment, Vol. 24 (1) January (2020), pp 47-60.
- New pyrazole derivatives and investigate their toxic effect in Hella and RD cancer cells lines. Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 13(1): January 2020, pp; 436- 442.
- Triazoles with long chain alkyl groups as a potential biological compounds, Salih Mahdi Salman, Int. J. Res. Pharm. Sci.,10(3),2334-2341.
- Synthesis and physical properties of methyl glycoside linked to triazole surfactants, Moroccan Journal of Chemistry 8 (2), 8-2 (2020) 446-473
- New Surface Active and Biological Active Compounds with Heterocyclic CoreFaraj, F.L, Salman, S.M, Ali, T.H.AIP Conference Proceedingsthis link is disabled, 2022, 2398, 030004
- New Bioactive Aromatic Indole Molecules with Monosaccharide Core, Hamdi, I.N.Salman, S.M., Abd, L.S., Journal of the Turkish Chemical Society, Section A: Chemistry, 2022, 9(3), pp. 889–900
Professional Affiliation/Membership
- Member of Iraqi Chemist Union from 1986- up to date
- Member of Iraqi Teachers Union from 1986- up to date
7. Interest. Organic synthesis in respect with surfactants and biological activity.